Thursday 6 November 2008

9lbs in the first month - so pretty good!

Of course Karen has lost 11 pounds too - so we are both feeling pretty pleased with ourselves. I'm sure if I could lose 9lbs every or any month I would try to, but I'd expect it to be very hard - but this has been different. What's good about the weight watchers idea is that in effect you start again every day - and because you have so many 'flex' points it's very hard to do so badly on one day that you blow the whole week. The most common reason I've given up in the past was the 'oh well I've ruined it for this week' feeling, and the thought that I'll start again NEXT week. With this method you don't lose momentum. In fact I have more days in a week when I don't use up my points than days I go over. Also we have been much more focussed on doing some exercise every day - simple reason being that if you exercise then you can have a glass of wine in the evening and then you don't feel as if you're on a diet at all!

So here we are after one month and this was the equivalent week that I gained 0.4 of a pound last month (i.e. period is due), so am trying to drink lots more herbal tea in an attempt not to bloat.

This morning an amazing thing happened - I stood on our scales naked (sorry about the visual image!) and I weighed less than 15 stone for the first time since 1999! I have got down to 15 3 or 4 several times but never below - so this is a great milestone for me. If I keep at it maybe when I get to see you all in the UK at Christmas/New Year I'll be below 14 stone.

Aside from that what a great week it's been with Obama getting in - it did feel like 1997 and Tony Blair's win. I don' t think there will be many election nights like that one in my lifetime. We both stayed up and were in tears when CNN made the projection at midnight our time. Fantastic although my personnal preference would have been Hillary.

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