Tuesday 9 December 2008

A pleasing 2lb loss this week - 18lbs total

...Which given it's 'period' week is something of a surprise! Also we missed two days at the gym due to a big snowfall and some very cold weather which kept us inside and we went out for dinner once and to the movies (I eat the popcorn which is low in calories and quite filling). So a 2 pound loss is more than expected, but I'm not complaining! We are having aduki bean burgers for supper tonight as part of our eat more veggie food drive. Also it's getting close to our trip back to the UK, we want to make sure we don't lose momentum and that we exercise regularly - luckily Mags is pretty keen on exercise (as is Helen when she's home) - so it should be OK. Thanks for all the support messages - they really do mean a lot - I have only sent the link for this blog to a few people but may broaden it in the new year.
Hint for this week - clementines and satsumas are in the shops and are really good for filling you up between meals (I know they aren't local foods but they have vitamin C to ward off the cold virus and lots of fibre and hardly any calories). Until next week...

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