Friday 19 June 2009

Crunch time!

Well the length of time it has taken to get back to this should tell you something! Yes it's bad - I'm down to a puny 9lbs total loss - which means I've put on 12 pounds since February. I could blame work and travel and stress - but in the end it's really my fault - I know what to do and it was working - but I still stopped doing it! So it's back on the wagon and MUCH more regular with the updates...

1 comment:

JJ said...

Yeah Nicki, we can do this together and help each other to stick to it. It is mad that we know what to do and choose not to, I am sure there is a deep seated reason there somewhere, and for me I just love food and booze too much :-)
Stay healthy and focused and we can celebrate together at each goal.

Love you Jo